Aff No : 1930419

Admission Going On For 11th and 12th. Click Here to Admission: Go To Admission

Message From The Correspondent



Secretary and Correspondent

Amidst plentiful schools, an absence for a school to proffer student focused and culture based education was felt in me. True guidance can be a small lamp in a tunnel. “Give time to yourself to make your life”  .This kindled me to found a school where education is to be offered blending Indian tradition with international quality. I aim at a burden free schooling where you can discover  who you are and who you can become. The best way to live is through continuous learning. Keep expanding and growing . I advice my teachers not to teach discipline but to create a situation where children develop their own code of life.

I assess the development of my school taking the attainments in the life skills than subject knowledge. Learner’s freedom is our strength. We at Sagar keep innovating and improving in 3600A team of teachers whose diligent efforts and contribution makes the vision and mission of this school easily attainable. Yoga and sports are the main trait moulding tools in our school. If you are a parent seeking burdenless education aiming beyond subject competency, then the right chance awaits at Sagar. 

கல்வி என்பது வாழ்வாதாரத்திற்காக மட்டுமின்றி கலாச்சாரம்பண்பாடு

மாறாத நமது வாழ்க்கைக்காகவும் இருக்கட்டும்

Mrs.p.r.SHEEJA M.A(Eco)., M.A(Eng) M.Ed.,


From The Principal's Desk

”Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all”

        says Aristotle…

       A large part of a child’s active life is spent in school and the child gets his/her physical, emotional, social and spiritual stability here. Hence, we constantly instill ethos of moral values, our culture and tradition along with academic learning in the young minds which distinguishes Sagar amidst other institutions.

   Today our kids live in a world that is very different from the one we grew up and got educated in. As the world is changing and the challenges placed in front of the upcoming generation is growing at such an accelerated rate, we educators must pause and reform/revamp the entire teaching learning process,  specially the phenomenal approach. As long as ideas are expressed and thoughts kindled, we can be sure that learning happens. We strongly believe in holistic development which prepares the child for future challenges. A dedicated and unified team of faculties assure the above and uplift the institution without deviating from its vision & mission.

On the whole we ensure happy schooling to an individual providing a world class education and celebrating the fact that each child is different.

                                “Formal education will make you a living:

                                   Self education will make you a fortune”

It gives me immense joy to thank the hearts that beat behind the appealing facade of Sagar International School.